Your project needs to complete certain tasks and produce specific outcomes to create value for customers and make a social impact. What are the key activities essential to your mission? Break these activities down into smaller, manageable steps, showing both the effort involved in delivering your product or service and how you support your target beneficiaries.
Complete the below exercises to help you identify your Key Activites.
2. Activity Brainstorm
Based on your mission, list all of the actions you need to take to deliver that value.
- Developing educational materials.
- Organising workshops.
- Identifying businesses to partner with.
- Creating brochures and flyers.
- Making Merch.
3. Priortise Key Activites
Now that you have your list, identify which activities are mission-critical; the ones essential to your project functioning and delivering value.
- Developing educational materials - MISSION CRITICAL
- Organising workshops - MISSION CRITICAL
- Identifying businesses to partner with - MISSION CRITICAL
- Creating brochures and flyers - Important, but secondary to the actual content and execution of the workshops.
- Making Merch - Useful, but does not directly contribute to the core mission of providing mental health support and workshops.