Enactus World Cup Qualifier

Top 20 Support

The Enactus World Cup Qualifier Top 20: where the adventure continues!

This stage marks the second step towards the Enactus World Cup 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand. Taking place on the 7th of April 2025, the Top 20 competion provides a platform for those selected Enactus teams to showcase their impactful projects to a panel of judges. Excitingly, the top performers from each league will advance to the Enactus UK & Ireland ‘s Top 4 World Cup Qualifier taking place on the 8th April.

Top 20 Overview

Competition season is here, and your dedication over the past few months is about to shine! ⭐

At Enactus, competition fuels innovation and drives real-world impact. The Top 20 competition is a crucial stage in our journey toward the Enactus World Cup 2025, bringing together the most promising teams from across the UK & Ireland.

To ensure a fair and consistent competition, teams must follow the official Enactus Global guidelines, which we’ve outlined below. These cover key aspects such as project criterion, presentation format, and impact measurement. By adhering to these, you’ll be in the best position to showcase your projects effectively and secure a place in the Final 4 - taking you one step closer to the Enactus World Cup!

Eligibility: Only teams that participated in the Regional Qualifiers were eligible to advance to the Top 20 Competition.

  • Competition: Teams present their projects to a panel of judges who evaluate them based on the Enactus Criterion including entrpreneurial leadership, innovation, business principles and sustainable positive impact.

  • Advancement: On April 8th, the Enactus UK & Ireland World Cup Qualifiers Top 4 Final will showcase the Top 4 teams, as selected from the Top 20 by the Enactus judging panel.

    Please note that the Top 4 announcement will be made on the 8th April. Therefore, all Top 20 teams are required to attend both the 7th and 8th of April

Competition Guidelines

Presentation Team

A maximum number of 7 students may be in your core presentation team for Top 20 Semi-Finals inc. the student responsible for your tech/presentation, who may join for Q&A. Each institution is permitted only one Enactus team.

We recommend 4-6 presenters on stage excluding the tech specialist.

Presentation Time-Slot

Each team will be given the same amount of time. After the team has been formally introduced, your time-slot will be broken down as follows:

  • Set-Up Period - 3 Minutes

    • Each Enactus team will have a max of 3 minutes to hand out their Annual Reports, set up and check any audio-visual equipment. Once the team has set up, a plain black screen must be displayed. Please note that any student may support with the passing out of Annual Reports.

      Please note that you cannot give out any products, prototypes, or any other additional items.

  • 12 minutes Presentation

    • Each Enactus team will have a maximum of 12 minutes to deliver their presentation. Your presentation does not need to fill the full 12-minutes. You must end on a blank screen. Please note that if you exceed the 12 minutes, your presentation will be cut off.

      Please note that anyone may assist with the set-up or operation of audio-visual equipment within the set-up time, however when the 12 minutes starts, only core presentation team members can then operate the device used.

  • 5 minutes Question & Answer Period

    • Each team has 5 minutes only to answer questions given by the judges in the room. Members from the core presentation team (max 7) who may not have presented are allowed to join the team on the stage during the Q&A period. Only judges may ask questions. Please note that any unused time remaining from the 12-minute presentation will not be added to Q&A time. You must have a blank screen throughout the Q&A period.

Annual Report - Strongly Recommended but Optional

Each competing team is recommended to create an annual report of its projects, summarising your projects and highlighting the impact over the last 12 months. The Annual Report is recommended to include clear descriptions of your projects and target beneficiaries, and actual impacts achieved.

If your team chooses to create and distribute an annual report, you cannot use more than four single-sided A4 pages, or two double-sided sheets. You are welcome to use fewer pages.

You cannot crop or cut your annual report into a smaller size than what has been outlined above. You cannot use QR codes to extend your annual report beyond this size. Your Annual Report cannot be digital. If a team uses a cover or back page, it will count as one of those pages. Teams should not use folders, report covers, etc. in conjunction with their Annual Reports. All leftover reports will be recycled.

Annual Reports Needed:

  • Top 20: 25 max.

  • Top 4: 80 max.

On the Day

Agenda Overview

Registration: Upon arrival, each team will register their attendance at the event before being shown to the competition rooms. Late arrivals could prevent the team from competing due to strict time constraints.

Team Briefing: Whilst the judge briefing is taking place, a short team briefing for all competing teams will be given to run through the day and get you ready and excited about what’s to come!

Competition Time: The Top 20 teams will be divided into 4 different leagues. Each league will be allocated a presentation room. Taking it in turns, each team will have the opportunity to present their 12-minute AV presentation followed by a 5 minute Q&A period.

    • A reliable laptop with a working HDMI port and your presentation preloaded/downloaded.

    • Laptop charger.

    • (OPTIONAL) Annual Reports to distribute to the judges.

    • Reusable Water Bottle.

    • Recommended:
      • Backup of Your Presentation! Have a USB or external drive copy in case of technical issues.
      • Back up laptop.

    • A projector, screen and HDMI cable (not type C)

    • For the Top 4, four microphones will be provided.

    • Please note: Laptops, HDMI connectors and any other equipment needed for the presentation will not be provided by the competition management team. These must be arranged by the team before coming into the competition premises. Please note that this will also need to include a Mac converter if using an apple device.

  • In the event of a power failure or any other fault attributable to Enactus UK & Ireland or the venue, the competition will be paused until the issue is resolved.

    Should a team's electronic equipment fail due to a fault attributable to the team, the allocated presentation time will continue to elapse. This can include the team’s laptop dying, presentation freezing, sound malfunctioning etc.

  • Wear something that makes you feel both good and professional. Think smart business casual, but don't feel like you have to be super formal. Comfort is key as they are long days! If you can showcase your team spirit through your outfit colours or styles - even better!

    **At Enactus being sustainable is important. We encourage you, where appropriate, to consider clothing made from sustainable materials, charity shop finds, or previously owned pieces.

Measuring & Articulating Impact

When developing Enactus projects, it's crucial to understand the core impact we and our projects are creating for people, planet, and prosperity. It's not just about meeting the Enactus Project Criterion; it's about generating positive, sustainable outcomes and impact now.

To understand and judge how successful projects are, teams need to know and articulate clearly the difference between what they put in (inputs), what they produce (outputs), the positive changes they create (outcomes), and the wider impact they have (direct and indirect).

Our Impact Definitions framework will help you effectively communicate your project's impact to the judges and confidently present your project's reach in a compelling way, whilst importantly ensuring your claims are accurate and fair.

Recommendation: For the most accurate and impactful reporting of your results, please familiarise yourself with the impact definitions.

Impact Definitions

  • Inputs are the resources you invest in your project, like time, money, and skills.

  • Outputs are the immediate, tangible products of your efforts; think of activities or services your project delivers.

  • Direct Impact reflects the measurable improvements in knowledge, skills, or resources among individuals with whom the team directly worked. The immediate and measurable changes that happen to the people or organisations as a direct result of the teams’ intervention (not their project partners!).

    Example: Trained 15 local seamstresses with upcycling techniques, pattern making, and fashion design.

  • Indirect Impact includes those who indirectly gain knowledge, resources, or skills — but with whom the team did not work with directly — contributing to broader improvements for people, planet, and prosperity.

    Example: Indirect impact can be seen in the improved well-being of the families of the local seamstresses, who now experience increased financial stability due to their mothers' enhanced earning potential.

  • Projections show what might happen in the future, based on your current success. While helpful for showing long-term potential, judges will primarily focus on the actual impact you've achieved this year.

  • Reach measures exposure, not necessarily the effect your project had on those individuals. While reach is an important metric, it's crucial to remember that it doesn't directly translate to impact and therefore cannot be labelled as such.

Enactus UK & Ireland Pre-Audit

All Enactus Teams that make it through to the Top 20 Round will complete a pre-audit before competing. This ensures all teams adhere to the same standards when presenting their Enactus impact, creating a fairer competition for all.

Pre-Audit Process

  1. All Top 20 Teams must fill in the pre-audit form ahead of the deadline on the 20th March 2025 (MIDDAY GMT). Please note that failure to complete and submit the pre-audit on time may result in disqualification from the competition.

  2. Submissions will then be reviewed by Enactus UK & Ireland by the 24th March 2025. Approval will either be given by this date or further clarification questions asked.

  3. Where applicable, please ensure all additional claims with evidence are shared with Amy Brereton (abrereton@enactus.org) in a timely manner. Please note that any additional claims of impact that a team would like to include in their presentation, script or annual report made from the 20th March - 1st April must still be approved.

Please also note that until the pre-audit is approved and signed off, your impact is not finalised. The production of a video or annual report prior to approval may result in the impact being disregarded by judges or necessitate the application of corrective stickers to the annual report.

Pre-Audit Submission

You can access the Top 20 Pre-Audit Form HERE. To support your preparation, we have included the questions that are on the form below.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if there are any questions, support or clarifications needed. We are here to help!

    1. Enactus Team

    2. Pre-Audit Contact Name and Contact Details

    3. Primary University Advisor Contact Details

    1. How many active students do you have in your team currently?

    2. How many students have been in your team since April 1st 2024?

    3. Do you have any additional UA’s that have supported your team this Enactus year?

    1. How many projects have your team worked this year?

      (Please include all projects from your Enactus team since the 1st of April 2024, even if they have since graduated the programme, or you are no longer actively working on them.)

    2. Complete the table for all projects with claims in your presentation, report, or script.

      1. Project Name

      2. Project Stage

      3. Direct Impact

      4. Indirect Impact

      5. Reach

      6. Other (this could include CO2, donations etc)

      7. Total Income

      8. Profit/Surplus

      9. How long has your team been working on this project?

    3. Are any of your projects registered as one of the following: limited company, social enterprise, CIC or equivalent?

      1. If Yes - please share link to companies house or equivalent.

    1. Please upload supporting evidence for the claims you have made in your presentation, annual report or script. (clearly labelled!)

    2. Please upload or link your Annual Report.

    3. Please upload or link your Presentation Script.


The term ‘audit’ might feel scary, but there is no need to worry - it's not about catching you out! Quite simply, if you use the Enactus impact guidelines and only claim impact you can prove with evidence, you're good to go.

Think of the audit as a chance to highlight your team's great work, and take comfort in knowing every Top 20 team is held to the same high standards.

Judge Process

To make the most of your presentation, it's helpful to understand how the judges will be evaluating you. This section explains the judging process used in all competitions, including how judges are prepared for their role. This knowledge can help you tailor your presentation and increase your chances of success!

Judges recieve training on how to evaluate teams according to the competition’s criteria including both a virtual and in-personal judge orientation.




Every judge must agree to the Judges Oath which is the same oath that is used across the World. With this, they commit to providing fair and quality assessments of the teams’ overall programme.




Introduced by the competition coordinator, each team will have 12-minutes to present their project to a panel of judges, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session.




During each presentation, judges use the Individual Team Evaluation Form (ITEF) to assess the quality and impact of teams’ initatives and score accordingly.







Judges then use the Cumulative Evaluation Form (CEF) to assess and rank the teams with number one being 1st place, number two being 2nd place and so on.

After the completion of the Top 20 on the 7th, all scores will be reviewed, and the Top 4 will be announced on the 8th.


Top 4


Enactus Judge Oath

“On my honour, I agree to serve as an official judge of an Enactus competition with utmost fairness and impartiality.

I undertake this responsibility free from any prior conflicts of interest or preconceived notions about the competition's outcomes.

I commit to basing my evaluations solely on the teams' presentations and annual report, with a focused lens on the realised impact and tangible outcomes they have achieved.

My assessments will adhere strictly to the judging criteria provided, ensuring a just and equitable evaluation process.”

Enactus Criterion

All Enactus projects all over the world follow a simple framework that guides the creation of new and existing projects called the Enactus Criterion. It is used to evaluate your realised outcomes & direct impact at Regional and Global Enactus competitions.

Each team has the liberty to develop projects that adhere to the Enactus Project Criterion, beyond which the details — including the extent of team involvement, choice of beneficiaries, and approach to project implementation — are at your discretion.

Which Enactus team most effectively demonstrated entrepreneurial leadership to drive business and innovation for sustainable positive impact to benefit people, planet and prosperity within the last year?

(April 1st 2024 - April 1st 2025)

Entrepreneurial Leadership:
Identifying a need and capitalising on opportunities by taking personal responsibility, managing risk and managing change within a dynamic environment.

The process of introducing new or improving existing ideas, services, technologies, products or methodologies.

Use of Business Principles:
Applying a sound business model and business plan.

Sustainable Positive Impact:
Demonstrating a measurable, lasting improvement for people, the planet and prosperity.

*Prosperity - fulfilling lives economically and socially.

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