General VPE FAQs

  • To become a VPE, the first step is to be a registered Enactus student (register here) and be connected to your University's Enactus Team.

    Each university may have a different process, so we recommend expressing your interest in the role to your Team Leader and University Advisor. Please note that the VPE selection process is internal to your University's Enactus Team and not managed by Enactus UK.

  • If you have any VPE-related questions not listed here, feel free to reach out to Mariana, our Partnerships & Engagement Coordinator, at

Monthly Network Meetings FAQs

  • We recommend scheduling recurring calendar invites with both your team and coaches. While there may be occasions when not all coaches are available, having the meetings set in advance increases the chances of everyone being present. Keep in mind that your coaches are full-time employees volunteering their time, so their calendars can get busy. Setting meetings in advance or as recurring events will set you up for success!

  • For one-time scheduling conflicts, we recommend proceeding with the meeting and taking notes. Afterwards, send a follow-up email to all the coaches, including those who couldn't attend, to keep everyone informed and on the same page for the next month's discussions. This helps maintain continuity and ensures that important topics are not missed.

    If a significant number of coaches are consistently unable to attend the scheduled meeting date, we advise reevaluating the date and choosing an alternative time when the majority of coaches can attend.

  • The monthly support network meeting includes your entire committee team, University Advisor (UA), and coach network. The primary purpose of these meetings is to provide support to your team and projects.

    The monthly VPE mentor meeting is a 1-1 meeting that the VPE will have with their Enterprise Rent-a-Car mentor. These are designed to help you in your personal and professional development. As well as helping you to complete the monthly VPE challenges

  • We advise sending a follow-up email to all members of your support network, providing them with notes on the topics covered during the meeting. If applicable, highlight any actions that individuals will be focusing on until the next call. This practice keeps everyone informed and ensures continuity in discussions for future meetings.

  • Item description

  • One of the core responsibilities in the VPE role is maintaining efficient communication and engagement with your support network. Therefore, when you are connected to a new coach, reach out to them as soon as possible introducing yourself and invite them to the next monthly network meeting.