In order to help your team with recruitment, we’ve put together a series of resources you can use both on campus and on social media!
Please feel free to use these, or create your own resources, or even a combination of the two - if you have any suggestions for printed materials, do let us know and we can see what we can do!
Whilst recruiting, please make sure to direct ALL new members to register for Enactus via the link below. It is crucial that all members complete this form to be officially registered as an Enactus member and to unlock all the opportunities available.
Lecture Shoutout
This Lecture Shoutout video can be sent to lecturers to play ahead of lectures, both in-person and virtual.
Find a ’Guide for Lecture Shoutouts’ here and a ’Lecture Shoutout Template Script’ here.
What is Enactus?
Use this to showcase what Enactus is when you need to explain the programme in detail, for example at your Fresher’s stand!
General Recruitment
The main recruitment video is useful as a social media advert, on digital screens, and in other places where short videos can be used.
‘This is NOT for you’ Style
Click here for the ‘This is NOT for you’ Driver folder.
The ‘This is not for you’ posters are useful as an all-round poster, particularly for catching students’ eyes. There are two versions – one that focuses on your business and career opportunities and the other focuses on social action. These posters are available with and without print bleeds.
‘3 Reasons to Join’ Style
Download the ‘3 Reasons to Join’ Poster ZIP here.
The ‘3 Reasons to Join’ Enactus posters are a great resource that focuses on the 3 main reasons why students partake in Enactus. We have compacted the multiple reasons into 3 memorable points. These posters will be great to utilise within the campus and your student union to show students what they are missing out on! This is available with and without print bleeds.
‘Partner Promotion’ Style
Download the ‘Partner Promotion’ Poster ZIP here.
The ‘Partner Promotion’ posters are a useful way of catching the eye of students' looking for career opportunities or ways to update their CV. We have some fantastic partners at Enactus so make sure to utilise these connections when recruiting! These posters are available with and without print bleeds.
Student Registration Business Cards
Click here for the ‘Enactus Registration’ Drive folder.
These eye catching business cards are an easy way to encourage engagement and sign ups during Freshers Fairs and other stalls. Their compact yet simple design help direct students to register for Enactus whilst also reminding them of the benefits of joining. These cards are available in 3 colour ways, with and without print bleeds.
Not sure how to best utilise these resources?
Click the button below to access our brilliant ‘How To’ Guides and Top Tips so you can make the most out of your recruitment drives!