One example of the ‘This is NOT for you’ poster style.
‘This is NOT for you’ Style
The ‘This is not for you’ posters are useful as an all-round poster, particularly for catching students’ eyes. There are two versions – one that focuses on your business and career opportunities and the other focuses on social action. These posters are available in A4, A3, and A2 formats, with and without print bleeds.
One example of the ‘3 Reasons to Join’ poster style.
‘3 Reasons to Join’ Style
The ‘3 Reasons to Join’ Enactus UK posters are a great resource that focuses on the 3 main reasons why students partake in Enactus. We have compacted the multiple reasons into 3 memorable points. To make friends, to transform lives and to build your future. These posters will be great to utilise within the campus and your student union to show students what they are missing out on! This is available in A4, A3 and A2 formats, with and without print bleeds.
One example of the ‘Numbers’ poster style.
‘Numbers’ Style
The ‘Numbers’ style poster uses key statistics and messaging from Enactus to catch the attention of students by showing the sustainable impact your projects are creating! There are 5 versions of ‘Numbers’ available, in A4, A3 and A2 formats, with and without print bleeds.
‘3 Reasons’ Pull-Up Banner
Join Us Leaflet
The ‘Join Us’ leaflet is designed to be printed double-sided at A5 (but an A4 version is available) and is provided with and without print bleeds. The front covers the basics of Enactus, whilst the back answers the most frequently asked questions in a condensed form.