Bentley iTwin4Good Virtual Developer Experience


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Week 6: Pitch & Project Presentation Preperation


Competition Criteria

Which team most effectively demonstrated entrepreneurial leadership and technological proficiency to drive business and innovation for sustainable positive impact to benefit people, planet, and prosperity during the program?

Entreprenurial Leadership

• Identifying a need.
• Capitalizing on opportunities by taking personal responsibility.


• The process of introducing new or improving existing ideas, services, technologies, products or methodologies.

Sustainable Positive Impact

• Demonstrating a measurable, lasting improvement for people, planet, and prosperity.



• Demonstrating that the concept can work and be potentially scaled.

Technological Proficiency

Demonstrating how your iTwin integrated app works.



Step 1: Creating your pitch

Use the structure below to support you in shaping your pitch to hit the criteria points set above.

SDGs Addressed. The Problem. The Needs. Invervention, demo time. Impact.

Bentleys Target Goals:


SDG 3. SDG 7. SDG 9. SDG 11. SDG 12. SDG 13. SDG 17.

✅ Grab Attention!
✅ Keep it simple & clear!
✅ Be specific!
✅ Show why it’s important!



Step 2: Create Your Presentation

Using your pitch script to guide you, prepare your presentation.


Example Presentation Template - Download Here | View Here
Feel free to use the presentation above as a template.


✅ Keep text concise!
✅ Grab Attention!

While teams are allowed to customize the template to suit their needs, you must ensure the inclusion of responses to the following questions: 

  1. Which problems did we solve? 

  2. What outcomes did we achieve? 

  3. Which SDGs did we tackle? 

  4. What value/benefit is realized by the business or user? 

The presentation should conclude with a single slide titled "About Us.


Step 3: Practice, Practice, Practice


Keep in time!

Remember you only have 3 minutes in total to present, if you go over - the video will be cut.

Have your demo prepared!

You will have 2-minutes demo of your application - make sure to demonstrate how your app is helping solve your identified problem!


Step 4: Record & Submit Your Pitch

Deadline: 15th March at 12 PM, GMT (Noon)

Record your overall 5-minute pitch. Remember, this consists of your 3-minute presentation and a 2-minute demo. Make sure to keep it on the 5-minute mark, anything over will be cut and judges will not see it.