Bentley iTwin4Good Championship FAQs


Championship Final in Astana Kazakhstan FAQs

  • To determine if you will require a visa to enter Kazakhstan, please review this document, here. If you do not have a Kazakhstan Embassy in your country, it is possible also to get a visa on arrival.

  • Enactus UK & Ireland will not be covering visa costs. You are entirely responsible for visa costs ($80 USD).

  • Yes accomondation will be provided by Enactus UK & Ireland.

    Please note that you may be sharing a Twin room with a team-mate of the same gender.

    You are more than welcome to purchase your own accomondation if you do not wish to share.

  • We will cover the cost of your flights to attend the competition. However, there's a set budget for flights determined at the beginning of the programme with a reasonable inflation adjustment.

    If your visa application is delayed and you need to buy flights last minute, any price increase due to this delay won't be covered.

  • If you are a UK student you will be flying from London.

    If you are an Irish student you will be flying from Dublin

    We cannot accomondate flights from outside of the UK & Ireland.

  • Breakfast at the hotel will be provided. However, you will be responsible for covering the costs of your own lunch and dinner meals.

  • We want you to present yourself professionally and feel confident during your pitch. Business casual attire is ideal, similar to what you might wear for an interview. However, your comfort is also important to us. Please feel free to wear whatever makes you feel your best, and cultural dress is always welcome. This includes headscarves, religious garments, or any other attire that reflects your heritage or background.

General Programme FAQs

  • You must be a current UK or Irish student (either undergraduate or postgraduate).

    You must be based in the UK or Ireland and be able to attend the iTwin4Good Final in August (DATE TBC), and be able to fly from:
    Ireland (if competing as an Irish student) or the UK (if competing as a UK student).

  • You must be in a team of maximum 3.

    You are welcome to join the program as a team or as individuals.

    If you’re joining as a team:
    • You must have the maximum of 3 members.
    • All members must individually register.

    If you’re joining as an individual:
    • You will be allocated into a team.
    • We'll prioritise allocating individuals from the same university into teams. However, if not possible, we'll aim to group you with others from similar geographically regions.

  • As part of week 1 you will complete the iTwin Developers course which gives you a basic understanding of how to use the iTwin platform.

    You will be part of a Discord group with Bentley Developers who will be at hand to support you with any questions you may have.

  • You will recieve an iTwin Developer Accreditation badge to share to your LinkedIn.

  • Yes! We encourage you to continue working on your project even after the programme ends.

    Enactus UK & Ireland organises numerous competitions throughout the academic year. Notably, last year's iTwin Challenge winners also excelled in our Action4Impact Challenge, securing a spot in the finals!

  • Although coding experience is beneficial, it is not a prerequisite for succeeding in this program. We actively encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds to participate, as this diversity fosters innovative and fresh ideas!

    To assist you in creating a prototype, you will have access to sample codes and support from Bentley's experienced developers.

  • Yes! Whilst we encourage those with STEM backgrounds to apply, this programme is open to all students from different course backgrounds!