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Enactus UK & Ireland x RSK Partner Competition

Open to both new and ongoing projects, RSK is giving you the opportunity to pitch to business leaders at RSK for the chance to gain support and funding to kickstart and accelerate the impact of your projects.

RSK is looking for projects that are focused on both saving water and using water more efficiently to serve a growing population in a changing and unstable climate.

RSK particularly encourages applications from projects that:

  • Create innovative solutions to increase water efficiency, water reuse and to reduce water wastage in both domestic and/or industrial contexts. (engineering/process design solutions)

  • Create lasting behavioral and lifestyle changes in domestic and/or business water customers to save water and lead society into a water-efficient future.

  • Create Innovative solutions that improve access to clean water for underserved communities both locally and globally.

  • Create innovative solutions that make our water infrastructure more sustainable, resilient and adaptable to changing environmental conditions.

29 January

Enactus UK & Ireland X Bentley - iTwin4Good Virtual Programme Developer Experience

13 February

February Coach Clinic